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Leading entrepreneurs, top students, and YOU

Highlights from NexGen Tokyo

NexGen isn’t just a business conference. NexGen Tokyo proved that ideas are no longer bound to meeting rooms.

A one-day event that gathers university students, corporations, startups, and investors from around the world. Leading companies introduced their bold ventures, and the audience brainstormed through collaborative workshops.

During the two weeks of interning at the NexGen startups, foreign interns were required to ideate -- create big, out-of-the-box, innovative solutions to increase the business’s exposure. Finally, they presented their creative business plans and contributions to the audience.

Ultimately, the spotlight was on our audience -- their contribution was the connection. The audience came up with creative business ideas -- moving chairs for concerts and checking the pollution level through visibility levels shown through artificial shooting stars.

Avex, our leading company, led an interactive and successful workshop on their future ventures for combining entertainment and technology.

Furthermore, Hane-san, the CEO of Active Learning Corporation, was able to foster relationships between future innovators.

VIP representatives from the Ministry of Economics, South Africa, and Forbes were not only present to advise, but also to join in on the conversation between the the audience and the interns.

Come meet the CEOs, top students, and diverse people from all industries in businesses. Moreover, come join in on the fun.


Innovation came to life in Tokyo. What can we create together in Singapore?

Written by Anna

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